Album Store

Please note: albums orders are mailed out once per month, on the first day of each month. (For example, all orders received in July will be mailed on August 1.)

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Overture - $20
Michael Bridge performs pieces by Bach, Mancini, Cohen, Bridge, Garner, Khatchaturian Makkonen, and Tchaikovsky on acoustic and digital accordion.

"Bridge triumphs musically and technically in his debut album!” -Whole Note

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Rock Bach - $18

Featuring Bridge & Wolak, Michael Bridge (accordion) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet). An exciting mix of baroque, classical folk and jazz music. Works by Bach, Scarlatti, Brahms, Benny Goodman, and Sidney Bechet.

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Tales from the Dinarides - $18

Eclectic folk and classical melodies from central Europe, performed by Michael Bridge (accordion), Kornel Wolak (clarinet) and Guillaume Tardif (violin). Featuring a Canadian comission from Airat Ichmouratov, “Tales from the Dinarides”.